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Conceptualized to create a meditative, zen experience within nature whilst making a meal. Rise combats the harsh masculine world of camping equipment to create a holistic, zen approach.
The overall silhouette was meant to be sleek and iconic. Something that could be spotted, and that follows its own original brand language.
By being able to use RISE anywhere, you can truly leave the rest behind.
The components consist of the overall shape, that fits bowls, plates, pots and pans inside.
As well as a chopping component designed to chop up leaves and paper waste along with oils to make fire starters
Some in-context renders of RISE. I hoped to make the design fade into its surrounding environment, as opposed to standing out and brightly contrasting.
Mock-up website interface to show the future of the RISE brand. Following the "leave no trace" mantra, I hope to create a waste-less camping community.
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